Fusion Blog
Food Freedom: The Path to Healing Your Relationship with Eating
Food Freedom: The Path to Healing Your Relationship with Eating
For countless individuals, the phrase "relationship with food" likely sparks a roller coaster of emotions. Many of us have experienced the arduous cycle of dieting and bingeing, only to feel a constant sense of guilt and shame. This unhealthy connection to food is both mentally and physically damaging. In this blog post, we will explore a new approach to help you transform your mindset, and ultimately, create a healthier and more nurturing relationship with food.
Breaking Free From The Comparison Trap: Ways To Feel Genuinely Happy With Yourself
If you've ever felt like you're not good enough, not pretty enough, or not skinny enough...you're not alone. We've all been there. We compare ourselves to others and find ourselves lacking. But what if I told you that there was a way to break free from the comparison trap? To be genuinely happy with who you are, just as you are? In our February book club, we read and discussed a fantastic book by Melissa Ambrosini called Comparisonitis. This book highlighted my own struggle with comparing myself to others and how it mentally affects me every day.
Taking Our Power Back: Overcoming the Shame of Obesity
We’re excited to explore a very important topic - the stigma and shame associated with obesity. In our blog post, Taking Our Power Back: Overcoming the Shame of Obesity, we’ll be offering some great tips on how to actively combat this issue. Whether you’re dealing with your own body image issues or simply looking for ways to support others, we hope this post will be a valuable resource. Let’s all come together to break down these stigmas and reclaim our power!
Start the New Year Off with Intention
As we look forward to 2023, many of us are setting resolutions. While it’s great to set goals, we often put too much pressure on ourselves. Instead of making a bold resolution that you may struggle to keep, why not approach this new year with intention? Make each day count and commit yourself to being the best version of you possible. Read on for tips on how you can make this happen.